
Family Discount

On January 8, 20009 two of us went to pray for a man that was dying of cancer, with 3-6 months to live. One of the ladies healed in the grocery store referred us to him. Big Dave said the cancer became unbearable a year earlier, that it was on his spine, brain, lungs, shoulder...all over, and that aside from taking chemo, walking was very difficult and he had little strength in his right arm. When we were finished praying, he was able to walk more than he had in a long time and he felt something had lifted off him. We expect a full good report of no cancer very soon.

We also prayed for his wife, whose back was ruined 25 years ago, resulting in a few fused vertebrae, a lot of pain, and an electronic device in her body with wires running to her spine...they called her the bionic woman. She also had some weird bacteria that came up occasionally in her stomach that exhibited cancer cells and messed up her digestive system. This ailment, along with the stress of her husband's condition had caused her to lose a lot of weight.

Fast forward to a few days later with the good news: I called to check on them and found that Big Dave was walking better, getting more strength in his legs and feeling better in general. God REALLY moved on his wife: she was healed of arthritis in her hips (she can no longer feel and hear bones grinding), her back feels completely better, her appetite was back with a vengeance, and SHE REALIZED THAT GOD HEALED SOME BROKEN RIBS WE DIDN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT! Now she is testifying about what happened, telling her friends of the good things God has done for her family. Way to go God!

We are learning a few things about ministering healing:

1. Don't pray for the sick, administer God's healing power.
2. Deal with the spiritual first, then the physical. Rebuke sickness and tell it to go, then command the body to be healed.
3. Don't quit. We spent around an hour with each person, praying, asking questions, looking for results, then praying again, looking for specific things to go after. Sometimes you don't see results after the first time, but you will gain momentum as you continue in faith.
4. Don't rush. God gave some words of knowledge as we prayed and showed us things the people didn't even tell us about.

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