Children's Hospital ER
-His son Jimmy was in and out of awareness when I got there, not making any sense. Prayed for a few minutes and before I left he asked his Dad to get him a Doctor Pepper. A little better.
-Saw Jim's dad had two hearing aids and prayed with him a few times. He felt some stuff going on but no immediate results.
-Found out that one of the family in waiting room had cancer so I tracked him down and found out he had stage 3 leukemia. I told him I had good news for him, prayed with him and said "Leukemia, go!" He said "That was really strange, while you were praying I could smell this terrible smell like poison or ammonia coming out of my nose." I asked him to get up and walk around and he said he felt stronger and "rejuvenated."
-About that time I saw a girl with a knee brace on and I had a Rhino (the obviously spirit filled hamster from Bolt) moment and thought "Let it begin...let it begin!" because I KNEW she was going to be healed. Sure enough, i told pain and arthritis to go, she pulled the brace off and walked around with no pain. Completely healed.
-A guy then had his son tell me about some anger problems he has been having, so I took his hand, invited God's presence and told anger to go. The kid was speechless for a moment and said his entire back felt cold. Then his dad proceeded to tell me how he is hungry to see God move and wants more of God in his life, so we swapped contact info to stay connected.
-Found out later that Jimmy, the kid who was having seizures, was sitting up, asking to watch ESPN and eating Gold Star Chili...pretty much back to normal.
Healed of osteoarthritis pain
During the outreach time of an Urban Missionary Training (UMT) at Northgate Church of Atlanta (www.ngca.org) last weekend I had the opportunity to see God heal several people, the most dramatic of which was a lady with osteoarthritis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, and a nasty hernia.
Caroline told us that her pain was a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, she couldn't walk or stand up without pain, couldn't bend over, and couldn't bend her knees. Nate, a very bold 13 year old, and I told her that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Matthew 10:7) and that there is no pain in the Kingdom. We held her hands and prayed with her, invited God's presence, and a few minutes later she had NO PAIN in her body. She was able to bend over and almost touch her toes, bend her knees, and walk with absolutely no pain. There were two people in the room shaking their heads saying, "She couldn't do that before."
We prayed a few more minutes and she said she felt heat all over her chest and that her hernia was now smaller. Nate asked if she had used a walker or a cane and if we could have it and display it as a trophy of God's healing power, but she said she wanted to keep it and testify to others about what God has done for her.
There were about 100 people from the UMT that went out that afternoon all over the city of Atlanta and came back sharing testimonies of blind eyes being opened, pain disappearing, depression lifting...the usual stuff that happens when the authentic gospel of the Kingdom is preached and demonstrated.