
With Healing In His Wings

"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the LORD Almighty." (Malachi 4:2-3)

This was the word for the first POWER service on January 23, and I believe it is a commission for those willing to accept it. The word "wings" in Hebrew is also translated as "armies." Jesus is the "Sun of righteousness" and we are the healing armies that will trample down the kingdom of darkness while expanding the Kingdom of God. This is what happens every time someone is freed from sickness, depression, disease, or the bondage of sin, which is exactly what we are equipping the body to do.


Family Discount Update- good news!

Here is an update on the gentleman we prayed for a couple of weeks ago who had cancer. His wife was healed of arthritis, back pain and broken ribs and has been testifying about God ever since. She called me this week to tell me her husband was in the hospital and that she had good news and bad news. The good news is that most of the cancer in his body was either inactive, the same size or shrinking, which was REALLY good news since the cancer was so aggressive he had been given only a few months to live.

The cancer on his spine had shrunk to the point that an MRI or X ray now revealed a fractured vertebrae, which was previously covered up with cancer. Now the only active cancer was in a lymph node under his arm. We prayed over him in the hospital and expect more good news soon!

We also prayed for their son, who had multiple injuries from car and motorcycle wrecks, diabetes, and is mostly blind in one eye. By the time we were done the pain in his shoulder was gone, mobility was better, his back was not hurting at all, and best of all vision in his bad eye was progressively getting better. The pressure in that eye that caused headaches was gone and his vision went from a 2 to a 4 on a scale of 1-10. We look forward to his complete healing too. More to come on this family...


Isaiah 40:31 "...they shall walk and not faint."

A pair of us set up a time this week to visit a couple of saints in their eighties, who have been unable to come to church because of pain, arthritis, numbness, etc. that made it very difficult to drive or walk. Though the enemy tried to hinder us in a variety of ways we made it there before church on Wednesday night.

As we began to praise God and pray, the presence of God came into that living room with healing power and a peace that really is hard to describe. An hour later the arthritis in Mrs. Kay's back and shoulders was gone and she could walk a lot better. Her husband, "Bear" got a Holy Ghost knee replacement as stuff popped and moved around in his knees. (He said our hands felt hot like heating pads.) He was also able to feel and move his feet, which were previously numb. No longer needing any canes, he walked around the house and up the stairs better than he has in a long time.

It was a delivery of His promise in Isaiah 40:31, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."

Family Discount

On January 8, 20009 two of us went to pray for a man that was dying of cancer, with 3-6 months to live. One of the ladies healed in the grocery store referred us to him. Big Dave said the cancer became unbearable a year earlier, that it was on his spine, brain, lungs, shoulder...all over, and that aside from taking chemo, walking was very difficult and he had little strength in his right arm. When we were finished praying, he was able to walk more than he had in a long time and he felt something had lifted off him. We expect a full good report of no cancer very soon.

We also prayed for his wife, whose back was ruined 25 years ago, resulting in a few fused vertebrae, a lot of pain, and an electronic device in her body with wires running to her spine...they called her the bionic woman. She also had some weird bacteria that came up occasionally in her stomach that exhibited cancer cells and messed up her digestive system. This ailment, along with the stress of her husband's condition had caused her to lose a lot of weight.

Fast forward to a few days later with the good news: I called to check on them and found that Big Dave was walking better, getting more strength in his legs and feeling better in general. God REALLY moved on his wife: she was healed of arthritis in her hips (she can no longer feel and hear bones grinding), her back feels completely better, her appetite was back with a vengeance, and SHE REALIZED THAT GOD HEALED SOME BROKEN RIBS WE DIDN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT! Now she is testifying about what happened, telling her friends of the good things God has done for her family. Way to go God!

We are learning a few things about ministering healing:

1. Don't pray for the sick, administer God's healing power.
2. Deal with the spiritual first, then the physical. Rebuke sickness and tell it to go, then command the body to be healed.
3. Don't quit. We spent around an hour with each person, praying, asking questions, looking for results, then praying again, looking for specific things to go after. Sometimes you don't see results after the first time, but you will gain momentum as you continue in faith.
4. Don't rush. God gave some words of knowledge as we prayed and showed us things the people didn't even tell us about.


More grocery store healing

Later I went back to the same Kroger (which we have now declared property of the Kingdom of God) and took along my buddy Scott who wants to move in this kind of stuff. I told him God showed me someone with a walking cane and someone with hearing aids, so, a little nervous, we went looking for them. We prayed for a lady in an electric scooter who had arthritis, broken ankle, knee replacement, and after several rounds of praying she experienced a measure of relief in her neck and back. She said “Both of your hands are really hot.” While she was talking, Scott spotted a guy with a cane, but by the time we were done he got away from us.

Next we camped out at both entrances looking for hearing aids. Scott called me and said he saw two people in a car in the parking lot using sign language so we walked up, asked if someone was deaf and found that the driver, Lenny, had been completely deaf since birth. We stuck fingers in his ears, laid hands on him, rebuked deafness, commanded the ears to open, then asked his wife to see what was different. He signed to her that he could feel the vibrations from my voice, which he never felt before, and that his hearing, which was previously zero, was now a two or three out of ten. Very cool.

By the way, we're going to get that cane.

Two healed in the grocery store

I decided I would stop by a Kroger grocery store on the way home from work one day to pray for some folks, and when I asked God what he wanted to do I saw a lady in an electric scooter. So I tracked down the first person I saw in a scooter and asked her what caused her to need the scooter. Diane told me she had severe pain that shot up her leg when she walked. After a couple brief prayers the pain was gone from her knees and she could walk much better. Then I noticed another lady in scooter twenty feet away, so I asked Diane to go tell her what God just did to her. (Figured she should get right to work in the Kingdom) This lady proceeded to tell me how she was driving a semi truck ten years ago and was hit by a train, thrown hundreds of feet, resulting in constant pain since then, which prevented her from working. The first time I prayed she said her neck felt a little better. After I prayed the second time, putting my finger on her lower back, she looked at me and said “What did you do?” The pain in her neck and back was completely gone, she had full range of motion in her neck and could stand without any pain for the first time since accident TEN YEARS AGO. She said the pain went from an 8 to zero on a scale of 1-10.

No more crutches

While I was walking through the lobby of Children's Hospital I came up behind a lady in her late fifties on crutches who was in obvious pain and moving at a crawl speed. Being the great man of faith I am, I said “God if you have her step into a waiting area I’ll know this is you and I’ll pray for her.” She hobbled right past the waiting area. Since that didn’t work I scraped up my boldness and asked her what was wrong and if I could pray for her. She said arthritis had been causing so much pain for the past 18 months she had to use crutches, which messed up her back too. So in the main entrance of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (it couldn’t be somewhere discreet) I put my hands on her knees, declared Jesus is King over arthritis commanded things to come back into order. She walked around and said her right knee felt great but the left one still hurt. When I prayed for the left knee something in her leg snapped and startled both of us. After praying three or four times the pain in her back and knees went away and she walked off without crutches.

Miraculous head trauma recovery

A 10 or 11 year old boy had an ATV accident on December 27, 2008 and his injuries included a fractured skull, damaged brain stem, fractured neck, and fractured back. Doctors had to pick skull fragments out of his brain and told his family that brain stem injuries are inoperable and that they expected definite brain damage if he even survived for 72 hours. We went to the hospital and prayed over him the following Monday. Long story short, less than two weeks later he is breathing on his own, alert, walking, talking, eating and going through physical therapy. They will take his neck brace off in a few days, because there is no more evidence of a neck or spinal fracture, and they plan on sending him home on February 2. The hospital staff are amazed and said they have never seen such a severe head trauma case recover so quickly.